These lenses come in a variety of sizes and prices and materials....
Adding this to your cart will start a conversation with the artist about your customized pair of GemShades! Individual listings for the lenses coming soon and for now, here is what's availabe:::::::
Rose Coloured Lenses:::::::
- Mesa Grande, Himalaya Tourmaline matched "lenses" from a recently aquired 1970's collection! 20/ct
Blue Lenses:::::::: Coming Soon!!
- Old Brazilian Indicolite Tourmaline perfectly gemmy for clear vision while wearing **These are currently a part of a collaborative effort with a Mokume Gane atist who will be doing coponents of the frames
Yellow Lenses::::::::
- Chiapas Amber cut in Mexico at the mine from AAA grade, perfectly gemmy for clear vision while wearing. Also the most light weight gem lens option.
Custom Shapes/Styles Available with a short wait!